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Michael Buble - Kissing A Fool
Michael Buble - Kissing A Fool

You are far
When I could have been your star
You listened to people
Who scared you to death
And from my heart
Strange that you were strong enough
To even make a start
But you'll never find
Peace of mind
Till you listen to your heart

You can never change the way the feel
Better let them do just what they will
For they will
If you let them
Steal your heart from you
Will always make a lover feel a fool
But you knew I loved you
We could have shown them all
We should have seen love through

Fooled me with the tears in your eyes
Covered me with kisses and lies
So goodbye
But please don't take my heart

You are far
I'm never gonna be your star
I'll pick up the pieces
And mend my heart
Maybe I'll be strong enough
I don't know where to start
But I'll never find
Peace of mind
While I listen to my heart

You can never change the way the feel
Better let them do just what they will
For they will
If you let them
Steal your heart from you
Will always make a lover feel a fool
But you knew I loved you
We could have shown them all
We should have seen love through

But remember this
Every other kiss
That you'll ever give
Long as we both live
When you need the hand of another man
One you really can surrender with
I will wait for you
Like I always do
There's something there
That can't compare with any other

You are far
When I could have been your star
You listened to people
Who scared you to death
And from my heart
Strange that I was wrong enough
To think you'd love me too
I guess you were kissing a fool
You must have been kissing a fool

Категория: Майкл Бабл / Michael Buble | Добавил: admin (28.11.2009)
Просмотров: 869 | Теги: Michael Buble - Kissing A Fool текс, слова песни Michael Buble - Kissing, Michael Buble - Kissing A Fool Lyri | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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